About Me

My name is Rose and I am an OCT certified teacher. This blog will be used to share resources and ideas relating to teaching within the P/J classroom. I will also explore ways in which technology can used to facilitate and enrich learning within the classroom. I hope that this blog will inspire other teachers and teaching candidates to incorporate technology into their classrooms to create a more interactive classroom environment to cultivate creativity and make learning more pleasurable for all students.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Reflecting on Classroom Diversity

Diversity in the classroom is generally perceived as a challenge for teachers. However, diversity can be used to enhance classroom learning rather than hindering it. Rather than ignoring diversity or using the “colour-blind” approach, teachers who integrate and celebrate diversity are helping to create a more inclusive classroom environment. However, facilitating learning in a classroom with students coming from different backgrounds, possessing different types of knowledge, speaking different languages, having different styles of learning, and coming from different family backgrounds can be a challenging. I am interested to see how diversity is approached within my internship classroom considering the variety of cultures and languages referenced on the website. I hope to learn strategies from my associate teacher that I can implement into my own classroom in the future. I am hopeful.

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